News article
Dyslexia and dyscalculia webinars for educators
It’s with great pleasure that we can bring both Neil and Judy via Zoom to you!
Beginning March 17 Neil MacKay will set the ball rolling with a series of three Wednesday evenings courses:
Three webinars , aimed at primary and secondary teachers and LSAs, to provide insights, strategies and solutions to address common issues around the inclusion of dyslexic learners in the mainstream classroom, specifically, cognitive overload /slow processing speed, reading for meaning and spelling - especially the spelling df the more complex jargon words. A range of evidence validated strategies will be modelled to provide a range of “things to do/things to try tomorrow. Taking the view that getting it right for Dyslexia gets it right for all, the approaches will work well for a majority of learners in a classroom, empowering teachers to help more individuals without always needing to give individual help. Comprehensive handouts will be available together with a list of materials required for various activities. Participants will need to print out handouts and materials in order to engage fully in the webinars - the pace of the presentation assumes that people are adding notes to handouts rather than attempting to copy the slides.
Series 1: Wednesdays 17, 24 and 31 March The Dyslexia Friendly Classroom
Series 2: Wednesdays 10, 17, 24 May - Fast thinker, slow writer - writing and verbal response
Series 3: Wednesdays 14 - 29 July - Learning for tests - study skills, comprehension and non-fiction writing, reluctant writers
Judy Hornigold will be presenting on the alternate months on a Monday evening:
This is the first of three series throughout the year to equip teachers, tutors, RTLB’s, LSC’s and parents to build up our knowledge of maths and the real difficulty of learning and understanding, but also using it in school and everyday life. Judy has studied this for many years and has been mentored by Steve Chinn and others. She has visited NZ several time, including last year - the week before lockdown!
April 12th, 19th 26th Introduction to Dyscalculia and Maths Learning difficulties
June 7th 14th 21st Dyscalculia Interventions and Strategies
September 6, 13, 20 Teaching the basics
To read more about these opportunities and to book please visit our Course Booking page. Places are limited!
Kind Regards
Margi Leech
09 579 7997
Posted: 17 March 2021